Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

Bulletproof Coffee Recipe | Vs Butter Coffee And Pro & Cons

Bulletproof Coffee Recipe
Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

Bulletproof Coffee Recipe | Vs Butter Coffee And Pro & Cons

Most of the people heard bulletproof coffee for the first time, But some are familiar with this.

There is a large scale of coffee demand and supply is the reason for developing new varieties in coffee. It is a relatively new product and very early famous for his taste and health benefits.

In this article, we consider bulletproof coffee in all scales such as- What are health bulletproof coffee benefits, Drawbacks, Bulletproof coffee recipe-How to make and why it is called bulletproof coffee. What is the difference between Butter coffee and bullet coffee?

What is Bulletproof Coffee?

Bulletproof coffee is a drink that combines Grass-fed butter, Coconut oil or MCT oil (Medium-chain triglyceride) with High-quality coffee. It is kind of coffee which contains fat into a form of source like this-

  • Butter 
  • Coconut Oil
  • Heavy Cream

It is creamy coffee served hot and looks similar to Latte coffee. It is a powerful bulletproof coffee ketogenic diet which gives energy, Focus and concentration power. People who promote bulletproof coffee claims that it contains a wide range of health benefits-

  • Maintaining Energy Level
  • Improving Mental Focus and Make Alert
  • Prevent Hunger and Feel Fulfilled

Recipe- How To Make Bulletproof Coffee??

To start an energetic and fresh morning you need healthy brewed coffee for this you don’t need to put extra effort. For making bulletproof coffee ingredients you already know are- Grass-Fed Butter, High-quality coffee and MCT oil and bulletproof coffee with coconut oil. 

Just follow four simple steps to make a delicious Bulletproof coffee-

  1. Using fresh high-quality coffee beans, brew 1 cup of coffee.
  2. Add 1 Tablespoon of MCT oil or coconut oil.
  3. Add 1-2 Tablespoon of unsalted grass-fed butter.
  4. Mix bulletproof In Blender for 20-30 sec.

The coffee mix should look light brown and creamy and served usually warm. For increasing the taste of coffee add pink salt, Cocoa powder and ground cinnamon they are not necessary. Bulletproof coffee cold brew is also a good option for coffee lovers. You can make bulletproof coffee homemade versions in the home kitchen.

Why is Bulletproof coffee good for you? (Health Benefits)

  1. Saturated fat in butter and coconut oil slows down the caffeine effect in coffee and provide a balanced amount of caffeine-based coffee.
  2. Improving physical performance and energy level.
  3. Fat loss
  4. Increase concentration power and ability of mind thinking.
  5. Feel satisfied with hunger.

Why is it Called Bulletproof Coffee?

All credit goes to the man for bulletproof coffee Dave Asprey who is the creator of this Energetic and Wonderful coffee. You can check the bulletproof official site for more information and ordering online and various products in detail.

They introduce the concept of “Bulletproof coffee” came from the line of wellness products and supplements. All the ingredients which are used to make this an upgraded coffee like grass-fed bulletproof coffee ghee, Brain octane oil and the original Bulletproof coffee are easily available on the official site of bulletproof coffee.

Is It OK to Drink Bulletproof Coffee Every day? (Side-Effects)

Many People take Bulletproof coffee for breakfast in the place of their main meal, In my opinion, taking this coffee in your busy schedule when you do not have time and need fast & energy food or using bulletproof intermittent fasting. Bulletproof coffee is not good for regular bases in place of your high protein and nutrition-based breakfast.

Bulletproof coffee is surprisingly highly popular but it has some downsides too-

  1. High in Saturated Fat– Saturated fat can be a healthy Bulletproof coffee diet but it may have harmful effects on the human body when it takes in high amounts. Most of the researchers believed that saturated fat overdose becomes many types of heart diseases like a heart attack or heart failure etc.
  1. Increases Cholesterol Level– Who have cholesterol problems should avoid butter because butter seems to be increasing LDL Cholesterol level.
  1. Low in bulletproof coffee Nutrition–  Although Bulletproof coffee calories are high in energy it don’t have vitamins, Minerals and nutrition value. To avoid a healthy breakfast choosing bulletproof coffee is not a good sign.

Also Read-Coffee and Dessert

Bulletproof Coffee vs Butter Coffee  

Bulletproof coffee a special type of coffee bean or any bulletproof MCTs oil. It is a powerful beverage intermediate energy and ketogenic diet that gives you mind concentration, Alert and focus.

The keto variant bulletproof coffee involves Blanding some egg yolks with the ghee, Oil and black coffee. This coffee uses high-quality Arabica coffee beans, Which give smooth and bold flavour.

Whereas butter coffee is a version of the bulletproof coffee recipe which doesn’t require any special type of coffee bean and MCTs oil.

Bulletproof coffee weight loss feeling of fullness and claim to fight hunger therefore it helps in weight loss.

Where I can buy bulletproof coffee is most of the people think but it can easily available in bulletproof official sites. You can order online, the company will send it in your address but take some shipping charges. 


Thes Bulletproof coffee is very famous for weight loss drink. If you even not drink this amazing and energetic drink then definitely try at least once and tell your experience in the comment section.

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