Tulsi Tea

Tulsi Tea Health Benefits & Side Effects, Best Time To Drink

Tulsi Tea
Tulsi Tea

Tulsi Tea Health Benefits & Side Effects, Best Time To Drink

Tulsi tea health benefits are good for both physical and mental. In the physical point of view, it gives energy, Strength and protects the human body for many kinds of diseases and tea influences the mind from stress relief. In this article we know interesting facts about tulsi, So Let’s start it-

What is Tulsi Tea?

Tulsi also is known as Holy Basil, it is the ‘Queen of Herbs’ are most popular or found in India. In India, Tulsi is considered holy (पवित्र) and found in most of the houses, People worship him. In Ayurveda, tulsi was used for his benefits many years ago.

It has been used for its medicinal uses in Ayurveda that make it an effective remedy for several treatments. It comes in powder form, Teabags and loose tea leaf with delicious flavours. Chewing a few tulsi leaves regularly is super beneficial for health and if you are a tea lover then definitely try tulsi variant tea.

Tulsi tea is beneficial for skin- According to research, In holy basil, there are natural antioxidant components which provide the body from radical damage and healing the tissue from cut or burn.

Here Are A Few Reasons Why You Should Take Tulsi Tea Regularly?

  1. Tulsi tea is beneficial for dental problems

To take tulsi tea regularly, it protects teeth from germs and bacteria, keeps the teeth from rotting and makes your gums stronger. Tulsi leaf acts as a mouth freshener, making your mouth fresh and refreshing.

  1.  Tulsi helpful for Asthma patients

It improves your breathing system, airways narrow and swells that may be called Asthma. Tulsi leaves may help to boost your immunity and expel phlegm in case you have a cough.

Asthma in today’s polluted atmosphere is a common problem. Any age group person may be affected by this so we can reduce Asthma problems with the help of Tulsi. 

  1. Control blood sugar level

A Blood Sugar patient may take so many dieting in his food and drink to maintain his blood sugar level in his body. Because high blood sugar level or low sugar level both are quite risky for the patients. So tulsi tea helps in the metabolism of carbs and fat. To take tulsi tea in place of regular tea also purifies the blood. 

  1. Protect from cough, Cold and fever

When the weather changes it can cough, Cold and fever- Tulsi tea helps to protect the body from this. You can also use Neem leaf (Azadirachta indica) with tulsi leaf to brew.  

  1. Relief from stress

After a long time of hard work, whether it is physically or mentally, a cup of tulsi tea may help to overcome stress and anxiety from mind or body. It is not only good in taste but also has many health benefits and charges your body full of energy.  

  1. Protect from Infection

Tulsi tea protects the body from infection and bacteria, Which was mostly happens in rainy weather and dirty places. 

  • Antibacterial
  • Antiviral
  • Fungal Infection
  • Anti-Inflammatory

Also read-Ashwagandha Tea

How To Make Tulsi Tea (Tulsi Tea Recipe)?

  1. To make tulsi tea just add some tulsi leaves in boiling water and Fred his colour and taste in the water for 5 minutes.
  2. After 5 minutes filtrate the tea into a glass.
  3. Then add ½ teaspoon honey/Sugar or lemon juice according to your need to increase the flavour taste and benefits.
  4. You can also add cardamom and ginger to make more interesting tea.

Nutrition value in Tulsi?

The list of its nutrition that available in tulsi is-

  • Zinc
  • Iron 
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A and C
  • Chlorophyll

Tulsi oil is used in Ayurveda for medical purposes but the oil is directly not used, it is used with other related components to increase its quality. 

What Is The Right Way To Drink Tulsi Tea? 

The best way to drink tulsi tea is to pick some tulsi leaf from tulsi plants and boil it with water and tulsi tea ginger because of this you take the real taste and health benefits of tulsi tea.

But if you don’t manage the tulsi leaf choice some most popular tulsi tea produce companies such as- Patanjali Tulsi tea, Organic Tulsi tea, Ayurveda tulsi tea etc. You can tulsi tea buy this company’s products in market stores or order online (Tulsi tea Amazon). It will be easily available.

Note: Tulsi drops are also available in the market in liquid form (Like Tusi 51), You can add 2-3 drops of tulsi in regular tea (Tulsi tea with milk). It will give the same taste and benefits that you make in your home. 

What are Tulsi Tea Side Effects?

  1. To take a large amount of Tulsi may Toxin-induced damage to the liver.
  2. Overdose is also possible, causing rapid heartbeat, nausea, and convulsion.
  3. During pregnancy tulsi tea is not safe because when mother breastfeeding to children it gives some bad effects.

What Is The Best Time To Drink Tulsi Tea?

The best time to drink Tulsi green tea is in the early morning and tulsi tea before bed because in the morning metabolism of the body is at its peak and a cup of green tea can certainly boost it.


With lots of health benefits, You can make some important things in mind to take extra benefits just like how much doses, when to take and the right way to drink tulsi tea. So go ahead and try this tea and tell us our experience in the comment section. 

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